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Department of Psychology
University of Mississippi

Call for Abstracts…3rd Annual UM Conference on Psychological Science

Students and Faculty,

I’m happy to announce that abstracts are now being accepted for our 3rd annual UM Conference on Psychological Science. Abstracts must be submitted by Friday March 11th at 5pm (the last Friday before Spring Break).

As in years past we will have poster presentations and oral talks by Honors college students, FREE LUNCH, then oral presentations by graduate students, followed by awards and our keynote speaker. This year’s keynote speaker is Dr. James Murphy, Professor and Director of Clinical Training at the University of Memphis. Dr. Murphy has published extensively on brief interventions for alcohol use disorders and received numerous federal grants.

Each year we get a little more ambitious; this year’s conference will run from 10am – 5pm in Peabody building on Friday, April 8th. This year we will also provide series of career development presentations geared for undergraduates: 1) A graduate student panel about what graduate school is REALLY like (no faculty allowed!); 2) A talk about developing a strong resume/CV; 3) a talk about pursuing a PhD in Clinical Psychology; and 4) a talk about what freshman/sophomore psychology majors should be doing early in their major.

If you mentor Honors college students who are defending this Honors project this semester, please strongly encourage them to submit an abstract for the Honors presentation. This is great practice for their defense! Please encourage your undergraduate and graduate labbies to submit abstracts as well, and please share this with other faculty and disciplines who work in fields related to psychology (neuroscience, psychopharmacology, etc.). This conference is open to all in the UM community with interests in psychologically relevant research, and is a great way for our students to enhance their CVs and presentation experience!

Below is the link for submitting abstracts.

And thanks to you all for your support and participation. We are hoping this year will be our biggest and best conference yet!

Dr. Smitherman

Todd A. Smitherman, Ph.D., FAHS
Associate Professor and Licensed Psychologist
Department of Psychology
The University of Mississippi
O: (662) 915-1825 | F: (662) 915-5398 |