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Department of Psychology
University of Mississippi


Psychology Chair, Rebekah Smith, attends International Workshop in Denmark

Rebekah Smith, chair and professor of psychology, was one of eight speakers at an international workshop, Mechanisms of Intentions, at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Prospective memory, also called delayed intentions, is the main focus of Smith’s research. Examples include remembering to take medicine, turn off the stove, or make a phone call. “When we […]

Award-Winning Graduate Student Anna Katherine Black (AK) 3 Minute Thesis Competition

Each year College departments present Graduate Student Achievement Awards at Honors Day. These six represent scholars across the discipline areas housed in the College. ANNA KATHERINE BLACK PhD clinical psychology ’18 Doctoral winner of UM’s Three Minute Thesis Competition challenging graduate students to explain their research in three minutes and using only one slide, Anna […]

Two Students in the ADEPT Lab Received Poster Awards at MPA

Both received a certificate and a monetary prize. Kate Presdergast received an undergraduate presentation award for research entitled: Does Practice Make Perfect? Exploring the Effect of Gravidity on Psychiatric Symptoms. Molly Wickenhouser received a graduate presentation award for: The Examination of Sex Differences in the Behavioral Avoidance, Disgust Sensitivity, and Emotion Regulation. We had a […]

The Inaugural Sarah Isom Fellow (Dr. Carrie Smith) Talks Research, Asking Questions, and the Psychology of Greek Life

You can see Dr. Smith’s interview on pages 9-11. Click the cover below.

Kal Kseib meets Kelly Wilson, Professor of Psychology at the University of Mississippi.

“You find some little tiny seed, kernel of potential connection, and you cultivate it” What’s something people might not know about you that, if they knew, would surprise them? I came to psychology late. I was 30-years-old when I started college. I dropped out of school when I was 16. And between the ages of […]

Zach Redding Selected for the 2017 Virginia Dolores Cantú Fellowship

Zach Redding was selected for the 2017 Virginia Dolores Cantú Fellowship. Zach is a graduate student in our experimental psychology PhD program working with Dr. Karen Sabol -From the committee – “Your application illustrated a knowledge of and commitment to the value of laboratory animal research and the importance of humane care of research animals. […]