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Department of Psychology
University of Mississippi


SPSP Selects Two Experimental Graduate Students for Travel Awards

The Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) awarded competitive travel grants to Vy Nguyen and Sukhmani Pal to attend the national conference in New Orleans, February 27-29th, 2020. Second year Experimental Graduate Student Vy Nguyen has received a Graduate Student Travel Award to present her research project “Prototypically American: The role of race and […]

Psychology Professor and Doctoral Student Use Open Educational Resources to Reduce Costs for Students

Professor and Department Chair Rebekah E. Smith revised her PSY 320 Cognitive Psychology course to use free resources and her own content instead of a textbook, saving students over $56,000 this year. Psychology major Alexis Holley said that “Cognitive Psychology, taught by Dr. Smith, may be my favorite online course I’ve ever taken. I am […]

New Publication for Professor

Webster, G. D., Smith, C. V., Orozco, T., Jonason, P. K., Gesselman, A. N., & Greenspan, R. L. (in press). Missed connections and embarrassing confessions: Using big data to examine sex differences in sexual omission and commission regret. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences.

Carrie Smith, Psychology Professor, Recognized with Inaugural Diversity Innovator Award

The inaugural class of University of Mississippi Diversity Innovator Award recipients are professors who have found ways to not only serve their communities, but also strive to incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion principles into their teaching and research, as well as the lives of their students. Dr. Smith is recognized for her commitment to representation […]

Graduate Student Sukhmani Pal Publishes Paper in Psychology of Religion and Spirituality Journal

Sukhmani Pal got her paper “Threat, fundamentalism and islamophobia: Assessing the factors associated with negative attitudes towards Muslims.” accepted for publication in the APA journal Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. This paper experimentally examines the impact of threat (realistic vs. symbolic) on Islamophobia among self-identified US Christians. Results indicate that high levels of religious fundamentalism […]

Dr. Stefan Schulenberg a Recipient of Frist Award!

Dr. Stefan Schulenberg, psychology professor and director of the Clinical-Disaster Research Center, has been selected as one of the three recipients for this year’s Frist Student Service Award honorees. Read more here